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14 YouTube videos on indexing

I recently searched YouTube for information on indexing and I found 14 interesting videos.  

1.      Mary Newberry on the joys of indexing

Nigel Beale, of the Biblio File podcast, talks to Mary Newberry about “the history and practice of indexing, looking specifically at her notable work on Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, in addition to several of her award-winning books”.

2.      Indexing a non-fiction book with Michelle Campbell-Scott

Michelle talks to Joe Solari, and “shares the whys and hows of creating an index for a nonfiction book”.

3.      Professional indexing: How a pro does it

Louise Harnby talks to Vanessa Wells who gives an overview of professional indexing. The article can be found here

4.      The World of Book Indexing, with Michelle Guiliano

Michelle Guiliano, of Line-by-Line Indexing, talks about book indexes.

5.      An Introduction to Book Indexing 1: Terminology

Jon Jermey explains book indexing terminology in a slide show.

6.      Introduction to SKY Index

Jon Jermey gives a brief introduction to the SKY index book indexing program.

7.      The SKY Index Preferences Menu

Jon Jermey looks at the basic options in the SKY Index Preferences Menu.

8.      An Introduction to Indexing

This video gives an overview of the history and modern practice of book index production.

9.      What is a Book Index (and does your non-fiction book need one?)

Julie Broad, from Book Launchers, talks about creating a book index and where to find indexing professionals.

10.  Book Indexing

Wayne Jones talks to Mike Oppenheim about back-of-the-book indexes.

11.  Indexing Confidential: A conversation about how indexing can make better books

Kate Mertes and Devon Thomas discuss how indexing helps to make better books.

12.  What is an Index? What is indexing?

American Society for Indexing has a short video on what an index is and what indexing is.

13.  Is a career in Indexing right for you?

A short video from the American Society for Indexing for information on indexing.

14.  3 reasons why authors would hire an indexer - Sandra Nomoto

Sandra Nomoto gives three reasons why self-publishing authors would hire an indexer.


For anyone writing a book which needs a proofread or an index, hire a professional from AFEPI (Association of Freelance Editors, Proofreaders & Indexers of Ireland) , the Society of Indexers, or CIEP (Charter Institute of Editing and Proofreading) to lighten your load.



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