I like to read for blogs written by indexers as I like to pick up hints and tips on indexing and running a business. I found 16 blogs written by indexers and I am sharing the list here.
If you know of any other blogs by indexers that are not listed here, please let me know and I can add them to the list.
The topics in the blog by Nicola King include National Indexing Day, Professional or DIY indexing and SI Conferences.
Indexer Paula Clarke Bain discusses issues such as National Indexing Day, a freelance career in indexing and a guide for authors on working with indexers.
Blog posts by Coleen Dunham are pictures/photographs with quotes, rather like a scrapbook.
4. Anne Fifer
The blogs posts by Anne Fifer include topics such as ebooks, Sky Indexing program v.8, indexing rules and cross references.
Heather Lisa Dubnick is an editor, writer, indexer and genealogist and blog posts discuss a wide range of subjects. Blog topics range from tips for preparing and submitting a book proposal to providing personal and family history services.
Recent blog posts by Ann Aubrey Hanson discuss subtopics as keys in an index, reasons to hire an indexer and reasons why a computer cannot index your book.
Blogs topics by Lyndsay Marshall include National Indexing Day, conference in 2021, route to become an indexer, reasons to commission a professional indexer, analytical indexing and indexing skills.
Amber DeDerick post blogs on topics of interest to authors, indexers, editors and proofreaders, such as can non-fiction authors create their own indexers and reasons every non-fiction book needs an index.
Heather Pendley blogs on editing and indexing with recent topics (2020) on the difference between homonym, homophone and homograph; apostrophes and vanity publishing.
The Potomac Indexing blog is written by a group of indexers. They blog on topics relating to freelance business such as coping with the afternoon slump; preventing and handling scope creep; indexing and editing as you go and proofreading.
11. Sanet Le Roux
This blog by Sanet Le Roux discusses indexing-related topics such as the skill of indexing and indexing books as a career.
12. Stephen Ullstrom
Stephen Ullstrom’s blog explores topics such as reading during the COVID19 lockdown, updating an index and dealing with lists of terms supplied by author
Recent posts by Sue Klefstad discuss how to build a simple iOS App for a photo album, Dexembed Word embedded indexes and a review of the book Sh@dy Charac†ers: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols & Other Typographical Marks by Ke!th H*uston and articles on indexing.
14. Tanya Izzard
Tanya Izzard’s blog discusses topics on indexing, time blocking, time tracking, a guide on indexing for academic authors, SfEP (now CIEP) conference and Society of Indexers conference (2018).
15. Paul Sweum
Paul Sweum’s blog has articles on the American Society for Indexing, indexing, networking and the Society of Indexers.
16. Pilar Wyman
Pilar Wyman's blog is called "Indexing news". Topics discussed include AMA Manual of Style, ebooks, Index Manager, American Society for Indexing and upcoming events.
For anyone writing a book which needs a proofread or an index, hire a professional from AFEPI (Association of Freelance Editors, Proofreaders & Indexers of Ireland) , the Society of Indexers, or CIEP (Charter Institute of Editing and Proofreading) to lighten your load!